수퍼톤의 슬로건인 “Beyond the Voice”에는 단순히 음성을 모방하는 것 이상으로 선구적인 AI 보이스를 향한 수퍼톤의 헌신이 담겨 있습니다. 수퍼톤의 음성 AI는 목소리를 이해하고, 공명하며, 음성에 힘을 부여합니다.

우리의 기술은 커뮤니케이션을 혁신하고 다양한 분야에 정밀함과 감성적 깊이를 더합니다.


창의성의 한계를 확장하는 혁신적인 음성 기술과 콘텐츠를 개발합니다.
수퍼톤은 모든 산업과 콘텐츠 창작자들이 창의성의 한계를 확장할 수 있도록 혁신적인 음성 기술을 제공합니다.
수퍼톤의 최신 솔루션을 활용하면 누구나 원하는 목소리로 말하고 들을 수 있습니다.
엔터테인먼트, 커뮤니케이션, 혹은 그 어떤 분야에서도 수퍼톤의 기술로 청중을 사로잡고 진정으로 몰입시키는 경험을 제공할 수 있습니다.


누구나 원하는 목소리로 말하고 들을 수 있는 창의적인 환경.



음성 AI 산업을 이끄는 기술
우리는 고객의 다양한 요구를 충족시키기 위해 기술 혁신을 제공하는 연구 역량에 자부심을 갖고 있습니다. 수퍼톤의 R&D 부서는 명망 있는 연구소 출신의 연구원들과 글로벌 IT 업계에서의 경험을 가진 엔지니어들이 이끌고 있습니다.

최고 수준의 AI 학회에서 검증된 우리의 음성 기술은 창의적 의도를 반영하는 데 필요한 품질과 제어 가능성을 증명합니다.

음성 생성을 위한 파운데이션 모델

Neural Analysis & Synthesis
낸시는 음성과 관련된 생성 작업들을 수행하기 위해 설계된 통합 신경망 프레임워크입니다. 이 모델은 음성 및 노래 합성, 음성 변환, 음성 디자인 등 다양한 다운스트림 작업의 기반 모델로 사용됩니다.

통합된 구조를 통해 생성 과정에서 음성의 특성을 일관되게 유지하며, 네 가지 개별 요소들의  제어를 통해 모든 사람의 목소리를 표현할 수 있습니다.
더 자세한 내용은 아래 논문들을 참조하세요:

Responsible AI

수퍼톤은 생성형 AI 서비스를 개발하고 제공하는 회사로서, 사회에 긍정적인 기여를 하는 데 헌신하고 있습니다. 우리는 기술의 올바른 발전이 궁극적으로 창작 생태계를 풍요롭게 할 수 있다고 믿습니다.

이에 따라 우리는 다음의 원칙에 따라 최선을 다할 것을 약속합니다:
권리에 대한 존중
우리는 권리 보유자의 허락 없이 생성된 음성을 서비스에 사용하지 않으며, 그러한 음성을 사용해 만든 콘텐츠로 수익을 창출하지 않습니다. 음성 합성 기술을 사용할 때, 우리는 개인과 캐릭터의 권리를 보호하며, 명시적인 동의 없이 이러한 음성을 사용하지 않습니다.
협력을 통한 성장
우리는 성우와 가수를 포함한 예술가들과의 협력 기회를 모색하여 동반 성장을 도모하고자 합니다. 이러한 노력을 통해 아티스트들의 창작 활동을 지원하고, 나아가 창작 생태계를 풍요롭게 할 것입니다.
데이터 보호
우리는 고객이 제공한 데이터에 대한 접근을 최소화하고, 이를 신중하게 관리합니다. 데이터는 사전에 합의된 목적에만 사용되며, 이를 보장하기 위한 정책과 절차를 수립하고 준수합니다.


수퍼톤과 함께 음성 기술의 한계를 넘어서세요.
버튼을 클릭해 HYBE Careers 페이지에 접속해 ‘Supertone’을 검색해주세요.


수퍼톤의 최신 소식을 알아보세요.
Service: 01


Supertone Products


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01

Newsroom v02


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01

Products v02


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01



At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01

Business Contact

Whether it's branding, web design, packaging, or user experience, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that elevate brands and leave a lasting impression.


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01


Supertone Newsroom


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.
Service: 01

Digital Strategy

Through in-depth research and analysis, we develop data-driven strategies that encompass content creation, social media, SEO, and advertising to maximise your digital impact and achieve sustainable growth.


At our Ferte Studio, we meticulously craft intuitive and visually engaging interfaces that seamlessly bridge user interactions with digital platforms, ensuring a delightful and effortless experience for every user.


With a user-centric approach, we meticulously curate immersive experiences that seamlessly blend innovative technology, intuitive design, and captivating storytelling, empowering users to forge meaningful connections with brands and products.


Our design studio specialises in developing authentic and memorable brand identities that effectively communicate our clients' values, aspirations, and unique offerings, leveraging a harmonious combination of compelling visuals, strategic messaging, and meticulous attention to detail.


Through a collaborative process, we meticulously conceptualise, prototype, and refine products that harmonise aesthetic appeal, functional excellence, and user-centric design principles, resulting in delightful and purpose-driven experiences that elevate our clients' offerings to new heights.


At Ferte Studio, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging interactions that seamlessly connect users with digital interfaces, focusing on creating meaningful touchpoints that anticipate user needs, promote efficient navigation, and foster a sense of delight and satisfaction throughout the entire user journey.